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What product should I choose?Updated a month ago

Bully Max Product Recommendations

Active Puppies (4 Weeks to 2 Years Old)

Moderately Active Adult Dogs (2-7 Years Old)

Highly Active Adult Dogs (2-7 Years Old)

Senior Dogs (7 Years and Older)

Underweight Dogs (All Ages)

Comparison Chart

Dog Age/Activity LevelRecommended Products
Active Puppies (4 weeks - 2 years)
Moderately Active Adult Dogs (2-7 years)
Highly Active Adult Dogs (2-7 years)
Senior Dogs (7+ years)
Underweight Dogs (All Ages)


Bully Max dog food and supplements provide your dog with the nutrition they need for optimal health and performance. Whether you have an active puppy, a moderately active adult dog, a highly active adult dog, a senior dog, or an underweight dog, Bully Max has the right products for you. For more details and to find the right product for your dog, visit our website.

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